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Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

Valuable food, feed and technical crop – Soya-bean is widely spread in Armenia. If before brought in the country Soya-bean was subjected to refining; now the work are performed on its growing. American variety “Hodson” zoned in former USSR became a starting moment for selection works. Armenian selectionists succeeded in breeding new perspective varieties. Selection works were implemented in different trends, as a result the grown varieties differed perfectly from “Hodson” ones according to the following economic and important features: height, branching of the plants, number of beans and seeds in them, seeds mass for each mass and the mass of separate seeds, the height of beans of the first layer, vegetation period and, of course, crop capacity. Obtained results are also profitably differed by quantitative parameters of seeds, including the content of oil, dry materials and crude protein.
Natural Zeolites and New Approches of Their Use in Agriculture
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

Zeolites are aluminosilicates containing oxides of alkali, alkaline-earth metals, which are strictly differed by regular pore structures being filled by water under usual thermal temperature conditions.

General chemical formula of zeolites is the following: Me2/nO. Al2O3 – xSiO2 – yH2O (where M is the cation of the metal integrity, N is its valency.
Ecologically Pure Stimulator of Growth of Plants
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

Stimulator does not contain organic connections which are not present in natural ecosystem. It is used both at before sowing to processing seeds, and at cultivation of plants in open (in field conditions) and closed (in hothouse conditions) soil.

Stimulator is tested in Russian Federation and in Republic of Armenia.

Stimulator is patented in Russian Federation.
Просмотров: 3034 |  Читать дальше | Комментариев: 1
Clone selection of grapes
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

Brief information on the Programm:

Clone selection of the grapes is the method of individual selection of spontaneous propagation of bud mutation, chimera and modification, it can also promote the improvement of the varieties to reveal the best clones being lack of shortages and prevailing the basis variety. The method mainly depends on ability of the grape to give mutation, according to which the base of vegetable organism (genotype) is selected and transferred to generation to generation by vegetable reproduction. Various qualities can be subjected to changes (morphological, physiological, biochemical). It can occur spontaneously both under the effects of external conditions and due to changing of rhythm of ziteombryonic processes and metabolism.
Potato Seed
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

During the last 18 years a lot of work has been performed on potato seed growing by up-to date methods in Armenia. At present potato seeds growing by using TC (Tissue culture) and TPS (True potato seed) technologies allowing us to obtain healthy (antivirus) planting potato material. The culture includes high-yield crops and technological Holland, German, Armerican potato variants.

Different variants of commercialization of the project are possible. Seeding materials can be suggested with various reproductions (from the best specimen to III reproductions) obtained both TC and TPS technologies (Armenian Khialta variant, Holland Ausoniya, variety). The seed itself can be proposed (true, not tubers).
Просмотров: 3279 |  Комментариев: 1
Properties of the New Variety of Apricot “Arami”
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

Apricot tree occupies the second place in Armenia yielding only to apple-tree. Being the plant of the temperate zone it is widely spread in Ararat valley and its foothills regions. It is grown at the height up to 1500 m above sea-level in the southern mountainsides and in areas having protective microclimate.
Characteristic of the New Variety of Grapes “Vostani”
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

The description of the variety of vines at the age of 5 in Yerevan. The sprout is green, 18-20 cm, with the signs of light-green, almost yellow and white. The leaves are yellow and green, changing into dark-green. In early stage they are very bright and later free of lustre. The axis is of the round shape; at the basis and in knots it is green, from the sun side – it has wine-red stripes. Blossoming is of the medium-size, stretching to the top, the shape is cylindrical or and cone one, the top is yellow and green with red spots.
Characteristics of the New Variety of Grapes “Gehani”
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

The description of the variety of vines at the age of 5 under hothouse conditions in Yerevan. It was exposed to testing on 40-year grape grown in private land in Aigestan.

The sprout is green; 18-20 cm the top is dark-green on sides with poor white and yellow tint and web-link nap. The leaves are light-green, slightly yellow except the teeth ends. The veins are very bright, dark-green. The leaf-stem is light-green. The axis is plane, light-green and yellow. The blossoming is medium-sized, compact, yellow and green of the cylindrical or cylindrical and cone shape.
The development of Alternative Methods and Equipment for the Extermination (Paralyzing) of the silkworm pupal Chambers
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

The existing thermal methods of extermination of the silkworm pupal-chambers with the higher temperature about 90-1200 causes the hardening of sericum adhesive, bonding agent, sticking (glueting the capsule of the pupal-chamber) due to which unwinding of the thread is getting worse.
So, for the extermination and drying of cocoons it is necessary to use such methods of treatment, which allows us to save natural properties of the cocoons capsule as much as possible. Among them the most perspective is electromagnetic radiation which has been neither used neither in practice, nor studied thoroughly.
Просмотров: 2688 |  Комментировать
Characteristics of Rams of GerPol Design
Категория: Сельское хозяйство | Новость от: Admin | 22-11-2005

We have a pipe the one end of which is connected to the pond filled with water and the tube is added to the other end (vertically to the upward). Its diameter is less than the pipe.
If the outlet section of the pipe is closed the water in the pipe is lifted to the level of water elevation in the pond as in communicating vessels. At the same time if this hole is open, then a few minutes later it is instantly closed then the severe regime change of water flowing a taken place and the so-called water hammer occurs which is followed by alternate increscent and reduction of pressure. Due to the increscent of the pressure the water is lifted in the pipe higher of water elevation in the pond. Reporting the process some portion of water passing through the pipe is lifted to the highest marker in comparison with water level in the pond.
Hydraulic ram is designed according to this principle. It consists of the following main details.
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