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Colloidal nature of cancer
Категория: АРЗНИ - 03.07.2005 | Новость от: admin | 17-09-2008

David Bagratovich Davidyan
Academician of Armenian Technological Academy (АТА)
Institute of Physiology named after L.A.Orbeli NAS RA
(374-10) 56-08-53

John Sargisovich Sargsyan
Head of Laboratory of the Institute of Physiology named after L.A.Orbeli NAS RA
PHD in Biological sciences, Academician IASEB

" Decoding of cancer nature will come from electrochemistry "
A.L.Chizhevsky, 1934 [I].
1. From regularities of colloidal chemistry have been shown that the membrane galvanic cell with separately operated electrodes (lipid - protein layers - semielements - the frame of double electrical layers) in base of vital state underlie.
2. In norm and pathology 4 types of membrane's charged states or 4 types of galvanic cell with systems of organisms have been revealed, distinctly managed of membrane's monolayers.
3. The general mechanism of every possible pathologies and tumor states with function of colloidal chemistry irregular rows phenomenon have been identified.
4. The systems of organism, providing antitutumor and antipathological resistivity have been revealed and methods of their control and correction.

" A membrane galvanic cell with separately controlled electrodes is a basis of the vital state”" - D.B.Davidyan, 1995.
Within all omnipotence of BIOLOGY of our days, the cancer has been still remaining a theoretically insoluble problem.
The prediction of the ingenious Russian scientist wasn’t confirmed for a long time. It is explained by the fact that the genetic bias of theoretical oncology which is the most developed at present, excludes the electrochemical and other ideas as not essential and not confirmed experimentally. The discovery of oncogenes has not thrown light on the tumor formation principles, ascertaining only the fact of cell transformation genetic execution without revealing the reason of its necessity.
Some new generalizations of colloidal chemistry, executed by one of authors [3-7], have shown, that the nature of cancer and many other pathologies are deciphered from the positions of colloidal chemistry. As it has been appeared, the science had a sufficient material for tumor formation decoding already in the thirtieth years. The main information for this purpose was the model of Biological membrane of Danielli and Davson (1934). It was both correct structure, and charges, and their signs on the membrane. But then, as well as later, the question has not been set what would be occurred with membrane and cell if the membrane is recharged from negative into positive condition? The signs accompanying recharging were already known for that time in colloidal chemistry and biology. It has been still considering, that the cell had been arisen from colloides, but it have not been seen, what it had taken from them. And, though, the charged condition appeared more complex by structure and essence, than it is represented today [2], it does not change the general picture of opposite state of charge. They are designated on fig. 1 as well as + and-.
The lipid-protein layers of the Biological membrane represent molecular compositions (МC) - skeletons of double electric layers (DL). Together with electrolits the MC-DL complex is formed which is a double electric layer. In sum two MC-DL form a galvanic cell. As each monolayer can be in two charged conditions, 4 types of galvanic cells are formed in a membrane which functioning makes a basis of cell metabolism. More than 10 experimental signs meet to each charged condition which make possible to define the type of the charged condition. The analysis of the signs of tumoral cells has shown, that each charged condition meets its type of tumoral cells, differently there can be only 4 types of tumours. A variety of them is caused by various phenotypes of cells transforming in tumoral cells
The unexpected feature of the charged conditions became the fact that the structure of each condition is colired and is carried out by the genetic device through the corresponding amino acids. The sufficient experimental and theoretical material is already saved up in this area. The periodic law of biological molecules [4] is discovered. All of 21 genetically coded amino acids are subdivided into 4 groups. It can correspond to 4 types of the charged conditions as usually in colloidal chemistry for charged condition changing for constant potential defining molecules it is possible selection of many anti-molecules, forming in combination the skeletons of double electric layers of two charges[10], for example: [nFе (IT{HE}) 3, mFeOCI, FеО +] + Сl-, [nFe (OH) 3, mNaOH, OH-]-Na +.

Fig. 1. Structure and management of membrane.

The representations about recharges of Biological membranes have already existed for a long time [З]. It was connected with recharging every possible functions of biological membranes, such as enzymatic activity, absorption, nervous impulse, muscular reduction, activation during fertilization, reception, etc.
It is necessary to note the non-development of colloidal chemistry theoretical bases. Till present there is no answer to the basic question on colloid state essence. One of sections of colloidal chemistry is devoted to the double electric layer. The idea of DL was offered in 1853 by Guelmgolts, further the concept of DL was applied for the explanation of micelle structure. Today tens various models of DL are offered. Their basic sign is identical charges opposite forming in some close laying planes. The charges can be free electrons, any positively charged particles, probably protons and polar molecules which charges, as it is supposed, are connected chemically, but are represented as pseudo-free. The existing structural representations about DL are represented on fig. 2. in the simplified status.
The main default of all existing DL models was absence of knowledge about molecular vase – skeleton of DL. The long analysis of colloidal chemistry, adsorption, adhesion, electrochemistry, and other sections of science has not revealed molecular vase DL. This vase has been found out by us in biological membranes as a lipid-protein monolayer. The numerous DL particularities were discovered in membranology which is richer by experimental facts, than the same colloidal chemistry, which later have allowed to answer the numerous questions facing the structure of biological membranes.
In 1911 Freind and Kaminer discovered, that the blood serum and healthy organism tissues lysed the malignant cells. This property has been named as the cancerolyticity. In 1934 the same authors revealed, that the intestine microflora also had the cancerolyticity. These properties of the patient with malignant tumours are reduced. The cancerolyticity reduction is observed during other diseases. The biology and biochemistry of cancerolysis are unknown till now. Today we can be surprised, why the researchers had not been engaged in its decoding in due time.
The different scientists developed the methods of diagnostics based on cancerolyticity property and its variability, and for treatment they suggested the replacement of the inactive microflora into the active one, taken from the healthy individuals. But the offers haven’t been put into practice widely and haven’t always resulted positively. All these methods concerned only the malignant cells. The benign tumours are indifferent for cancerolyticity [12].
Naturally, there is a question why this property doesn’t work always? It was possible to classify all kinds of tumours on 4 types [3,6]. The specified classification of 4 types of tumoral states by the above mentioned 10 signs of membrane characteristics is shown on fig. 1 on the basis of 4 types of the charged conditions and corresponding literary data formed from different phenotypes of organism cells and giving rise to hundred types of various tumours; the similar charged conditions are resulted for comparison during other pathologies and in norm.
We list the features of each of these types separately:
1. The NORMAL CHARGED CONDITION, but T-lyticity is higher than norm. The cells after division aren’t specialized and aren’t submitted to separate hormonal and other influences. The sharp leucosis and tumours with highly qualified or unripe cells are possible Apparently, in this case the malignancy reflects only the form (uncontrollable duplication in the internal environment), and there can be combinations with other types of tumours. There are organelles and dysmosomes. The reduced content of external electrolits is supposed. The cells have breath. In norm such features are characterized for neuron, cone, axon, etc. The special pathology with a detailed outcome is possible for reason of the increased stability of МC-DL against recharges in MC - DL + when the orders from nervous cells are ceased to be carry out through corresponding synapses or hormones. Apparently this pathology is observed for the “repumped” sportsmen.
2. MALIGNANT CELLS. For them; T-lyticity is below critical, but B-lyticity is higher. The organelles are present, but suppressed. The ooze of metabolism is fermentation. The normal content of electrolits is defined in the cells. The internal environment of cells is basic. The external solutions are sour. There is no contact braking within division. The metastasises are possible. The growth of tumour into the organism is observed from epithelium. The HeLa, accite carcinoma of Ehrlich, etc. have the specified signs, in pathology - the cells infected with HIV, viruses of hepatites, aphthous fever, etc. as well as myocardium myocytes during infarct with a lethal outcome, and in norm the human erythrocytes and different soaking up cells.
The finding-out of electrolits quantitative structure within T-lyticity decreasing to critical values represents a very big practical interest. If it is changed, its restoration by A.S. Samokhotski method can beneficially affect the organism status till different viruses disappearing.
3. MALIGNANT ATYPICAL CELLS; they make, probably, the most widespread type of tumours. Their Т-and B-lyticity are lower than critical and the mitochondrin, lysosomas, RER, desmosomes are absent . The ribosomes are free as well as the GER are represented. The endo- and extracellular contents of electrolits are identical. The type of metabolism is fermentation. The endo- and extracellular environments are sour. The metastasises are possible. The above-mentioned is typically for tumours of sarcoma - 45, and others, AIDS [15.], hepatites, aphthous fever, etc.; probably, for the myocardium infarct with a lethal outcome when the muscles become unstuck, etc. In norm it is inherent for the internal membrane of nucleus, and, probably, for different bacteria the nature of cell atypical tumoral state can consist in the fact that the cell comes back to its before-multicellular state, without nucleus, and the corresponding genetic device works in it. The other genetic device exists, but does not function. The cellular messengers are absent.

Fig. 2. Representations about DL

The prominent feature of malignant tumours is curtailing and fibrinogen drop - out. It is known [13], that the fibrin adsorbed on cancer cells masks membrane structures and the tolerance of organism for alien tumoral antigenes is developed. The structures of MC-DL + are masked. Besides, there is a question about the reasons of electrolyte properties and organism solutions change resulting to fibrinogen curtailing.
4. NON-MALIGNANT TUMORAL CELLS B-lyticity is lower than critical. The mitochondrin, lysosomas, RER are absent. The extracellular electrolits are in norm. The endocellular electrolits are apparently above the norm. The internal environment of the cell should be sour. The external environment is basic.The desmosomes are present. The type of metabolism is unknown. The growth of tumour is outside from the epithelium. The kind of tumour is the same as the basic tissue has. The features are characteristic for non-malignant tumours, probably, for the initial ones – B-system hyperactivation and its failure at the last stages of AIDS, tuberculosis, myocardium infarct without lethal outcome, etc., and in norm - for the embryonal cells. The diagnostics by B-lyticity variability is offered.
Certainly, some specifications are possible as the final result Mozhge could be received experimentally. As it was appeared, the cancerolyticity is connected with the thymus gland , T-lymphocytes, parietal intestines microflora and external membranes monolayer. There the reasons of failures with the attempt of tumours treatment became clear. Apparently, only T-lyticity is restored which is the basis for second type tumours treatment. To our opinion the restoration of B-lyticity is necessary for the third and fourth types treatment. As apparently it was connected with the cavitary microflora (the experimental check of this statement is required) and internal membranes monolayer, the search of active Bacteria against non-malignant tumoral cells was necessary. Usually we chose the malignant cells as the object of influence therefore the supposed B-lyticity ability and its system has not been found till now. Thus, the cancerolyticity is a property of the extracellular part of healthy organism solutions.
There is a question: is the cancerolyticity decreasing a consequence or a reason of the tumour formation? All process of oncology development shows, that basically the immune system’s activity decreasing was perceived as consequence of cells sliding off to an uncontrollable Impetuous duplication within its genetics infringement and even oncogenes were found. However, if it is the reason of tumour formation it would be necessary to search for that pathology which is the reason of the tumour formation genetic apparatus starting. Moreover, it was tried without results to kill the cancer cell or to restore the immune system. Differently, the oncology has gone to the impasse having all grandiose actual material.
The canserolyticity is a physical and chemical property of MC-DL solutions and its electrolits. Till present there were no assumptions about the fact that the oncogenesis basis was simply electrolit structure and its packaging form infringement and as a consequence- the failure of the immune system and used / died cells recycling termination as well as their transformation, i.e. occurrence of ability for repeated division what is considered as the basic sense of oncology to our opinion.

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6. Геворкян ГА. К выявлению принципа построения первичной структуры белка. Биол. ж. Армении. 1993. N2(46). С. 9-16.
7. Воюцкий С.С. Курс коллоидной химии. М. Химия. 1975. С.320.
8. Карапетян А.О. Биологический антагонизм некоторых кишечных штаммов Бактерий с опухолевыми клетками. Автореферат канд. дисс. М. 1987. С. 16.
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