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Категория: Энергетика | Новость от: Admin | 27-12-2005

Together with large power engineering small hydro energetic can be developed in Armenia. Small Hydroelectric stations with power 200–1000 KW and more can be constructed on operating piped drainage systems for drinking, circulating, irrigation water and also in small rivers, channels and reservoirs

Hydro potential of rivers and reservoirs constitutes 20 % of the generated power in Armenia, where small hydroelectric stations can be installed.

Cascades of hydroelectric stations in main piped drainage systems of drinking water are appeared to be most effective.

1. The cost and terms of construction and operation of these HES are less.

2. Drainage systems of drinking water provide maximum production of the electric energy, as there is permanent pressure and consumption of water which are free of season vibrations. There are thousands of such main drainage systems in Armenia. HES can be built there with thousands megawatt.

Cascade of small hydroelectric stations in drainage systems of drinking water is proposed to build being supplied from Mantash water storage basin. Cascade consists of 8 electric stations of the similar power of 200 W and 11,35 million KW/h of annual total production.

The basin HES is near Artic where the control and service of other stations will be performed. The rest of 7 HES will be constructed by standard project. The equipment will be manufactured at the factory conditions and assembled on sites. Hydroelectric stations are fully automated.

All HES cascades are connected with each other by high-voltage power lines of KW and constitute single local system.

Due to special decisions the developed HES have low prim-cost in comparison with large ones and lower investments are required.

In Shirak region the project for the construction of the cascade of small HES provided. The drainage systems for drinking and irrigation water, wide net of small HES are expected to build in small rivers.

In the frames of small projects two drainage systems were chosen. They start from Mantash reservoir.

Artik and a number of villages of Artic region will be supplied with water through these systems. According to the results of estimation HES cascade is available to build consisting of 8 electric stations. Technical, economic and commercial characteristics are given in previous chapters of Business-Plan.

Technological Solution

1. In the first frame of small project, first of all HES should be erected in existing drainage systems using their equipment, reliability, permanent water flow and close location to the populated area.

2. Taking into account approximate equal values of the main parameters of hydroelectric units of all 8 HES (pressure, water consumption, power), they must be identical for all HES.

Hydraulic energetic units can be performed according to the following 3 variants:

Variant 1:

Turbines are manufactured by the structures of existing hydraulic pumps. Generators are taken from the list manufactured by series production in Armenia.

Variant 2:

Special hydraulic turbines are ordered in local specialized enterprises, which perform design, fabrication and provide parameters particularly for the programs.


Hydraulic energetic units completely or only hydraulic turbines are transported from those foreign enterprises which have adoption in industry and experienced work on production and delivery.

From the point of view of efficiency, reliability and durability all three variants are available.
Добавил: Vladimir
Дата: 2010-04-11 18:52:30
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Es kuzem badvirem 200Kvt turbin. Im hamars +37497220011
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