Modern Approaches for diagnostic and treatment of periodic Disease
Категория: Здоровье |
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Etiopatogenesis of periodic disease hasn’t been revealed yet from which many people of the Mediterranean basin suffer (Armenians, Jews, and Arabs). New tendency to complication of the disease and spreading of ethical spectrum are observed. Various research and medical Centers from all over the world, including also Armenia, are busy with this problem. New approach for the interpretation of the mechanism of the disease etiopatogenesis was proposed by a group of leading workers from the Institute of Molecular Biology of NAS RA. A lot of work has been performed by the scientists together with the Russian Academy of Sciences, being at the same time the authors of methodical approaches. The obtained preliminary results allowed us to assume, that proposed approach can prevent acute attacks and to diagnose the disease. Further implementation of the work is required in this trend. It will give us a chance to solve the problem both theoretically and practically.
Проекты АТА
Центр Здоровья и Долголетия
Путеводитель по Армении
Негорючая электропроводка.
Эластичные чулки из быстро высыхающей гели с лечебными свойствами.
Создание на основе природных компонентов эффективного антикаогулянта, дешевого и без побочных явлений.
Инновационные проекты в области возобнавляемой энергетике.
Сигареты с лечебными свойствами.