Apparatus for Removal of Bladder Stones
Категория: Здоровье |
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1. Apparatus for Removal of Bladder Stones DKD-1
Apparatus has the shape of cyst scope with the handle. The external steel tube has longitudinal stoles in the front working part forming 8 straps – catches, which are extended during axial tension by rotation of the thumbscrew. Inside of the tube the piped file is installed being rotated by flexible shaft and gear wheel joined to electric motor.
There is optical system with ocular and peep-hole inside of the file. There is also an illuminating lamp.
The wiring bladder filled with fluid lighted. By rotation of the thumbscrew straps of the catch are expended; through ocular the stone is found out and seized into the straps of the catch by the same thumbscrew the stone is pressed to the file which is rotated by flexible shaft. After full sawing of the stone the catch straps are closed up (linked up) and apparatus is removed from urinary bladder.
2. Apparatus for Removal of Bladder Stones DKD-2
Apparatus has a shape of cyst scope with the handle. The external steel tube has longitudinal slots in the front operating part, forming 8 straps-catches, which are extended during axial tension. Urinary bladder is filled with fluid and lighted. By optics the stone is seized between the straps-catchers, internal surfaces of which are made as a file. Three holes are made in the stone by drills the medium of which is an axis and due to two lateral ones the stone is rotated. Rotating between the straps of catches and pressing to them the stone Is grinded smooth (turned) for full disappearance.
Author: Dr. Karlos D. Danielyan
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