Method and Apparatus for Extracorporeal Disinfection of blood
Категория: Здоровье |
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During septic states for extracorporeal disinfection of the blood true apparatus is proposed consisting of plan broad tube, which is made of the quartz glass transmitting ultra-violet rays and consecutively connected by the system of flexible tubes. There is germicidal lamp of ultra-violet irradiation on both sides of the tube. If requested metal electrodes can be fixed along the tube ends outside or inside through its all length joined by wires with the power sources of ultra-high frequencies (UNF).
For disinfection of the blood the apparatus can be applied independently and successively with other apparatus, for example, “Artificial kidney”, “Apparatus hearth lung” and so on.
Certificates for Rationalization proposal are N 41, 42, 1978.
Author: Dr. Karlos D. Danielyan
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