Method for the Treatment and Prophylactics of the some Diseases with C-reactive Protein
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C-reactive protein revealed in organism during series of diseases and pathological states. The performed tests allowed woods and Montelgi to assume, that C-RP is a proantibody. C-RP appears in patient’s blood serum in 6-8 hours after surgical intervention. Very likely that C-RP occurs as a result of the rapid response of macrophages and poly nuclear on injured areas. There are reasons to believe, that appearance of C-RP in the blood serum is one of the links of protective and adapted mechanisms of the organism for pathological states.
The frequency of the reviling of C-RP in the blood is different for various pathological states, for example, cardio sclerosis with infarction of myocardium, cardio-atherosclerosis with infarction of lungs – 100%, rheumatism in active phase – 95,3%, heavy cardiac insufficiency 81,4$ and so on.
Proceeding from above-mentioned, for increasing the resistance of the organism it is proposed to inject parentally a certain amount of C-reactive protein during the above-mentioned and other diseases, keeping constant concentration of the last in the blood. It is suggested to inject C-RP parentally for prophylactics, for example, postnatal period post-operating period, infections diseases, tonsillitis and so on.
Author: Dr. Karlos D. Danielyan
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