Delivery Arm-Chair
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The proposed delivery arm-chair due to its design allows the parturient to do different free gymnastics movements which are dictated by the nature during the first period, not learning against the back of the arm-chair.
The arm-chair has a horseshoe-shaped ring which can easily and quickly lifted to desired height and dropped so low, that the parturient can freely step over it. During the delivery the parturient can take various positions (on feet, squat down, knee position, bent posture and so on). For the support and body fixation in such posture, there is a horizontal tube bar at the height about 80 cm from the floor by the arm-chair periphery.
Being inside and outside of the arm-chair the woman can lean on their bar. From the front the part of the arm-chair floor can be lifted forming a delivery chair which allows the parturient to take sitting or semi-supine positions during the delivery, depending on the angle of the back lifting.
The arm-chair is provided with the following: the drawing table for neonates supports for the parturient feet, the stand for intravenous transfusion, attachment for moistened oxygen and oxygenic cocktail fixed tonometer. For extra disinfection of the arm-chair by Ultra-violent (UV) rays from the nearest distance, there is s device for hand (portable) quartz lamps.
This proposal was registered by the Committee on Discoveries and Findings of the USSR in 1987, N 3939945/14 112997, Rationalization proposal N88.
Author: Dr. Karlos D. Danielyan
Проекты АТА
Центр Здоровья и Долголетия
Путеводитель по Армении
Негорючая электропроводка.
Эластичные чулки из быстро высыхающей гели с лечебными свойствами.
Создание на основе природных компонентов эффективного антикаогулянта, дешевого и без побочных явлений.
Инновационные проекты в области возобнавляемой энергетике.
Сигареты с лечебными свойствами.