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Stone-shaped Materials
Категория: Ест. и иск. матери. | Новость от: Admin | 27-12-2005

The group of specialists has developed the method of obtaining artificial stone-shaped materials on the base of widespread perlite sand in Armenia. Perlite resources are estimated for more than 10 mln cube meters in the Republic. The elaborated technology is free of wastes and ecologically pure. Numerous laboratory specimens were obtained, which by their mechanical, physical and chemical properties considerably exceed such natural stones, as granite, marble or onyx. There is an opportunity to get a wide range of colors for the materials by addition of a small amount of cheap pigments to the initial mixture.

Perlite stone specimens are characterized by a low porosity, high durability and lack of micro cracks. After light grinding and polishing the surface of the specimens appears to be perfectly smooth and mirror bright. There is a chance to develop mosaic surfaces by crystalline coalescence of multicolored specimens in integrated technological cycle. The obtained material is provided by high chemical stability concerning alkalis and acids. The material is also a perfect dielectric.

Several fields can be emphasized for possible applying of the obtained material taking into consideration the opportunity to get a wide range of colors and to perform molding.

It can be used for the production of various insulators for electric engineering; electric generators transport and high voltage lines for energy transfer.

The production of pipes of various diameters and thickness of walls for the laying of sewer pipes and in chemical industry for the storage and transportation of aggressive liquids.

The production of the facing slabs and tiles.

The production of everyday articles: bath, lavatory pans, wash-bowls, the top surfaces of the kitchen-tables, furniture and so on.

The production of other everyday articles or their elements: switches, sockets, basement for lamps and candelabra, jacks for electric bulbs, ironing base for electric irons and so on.

The works should be performed in 2 phases. On the 1st phase it is necessary to organize the experimental production with daily productivity – 200 kg/daily for the solution of series of technical problems, manufacturing of small series of test specimens. On the 2nd phase wide-ranged production is expected to organize with productivity – 20-60 t/daily.
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