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Агарон Арутюнович Чилингарян

Aharon A. Chilingaryan
Member of the Armenian Technological Academy


08/03- “Aharon Paradigma”cjsc. Consulting and Research. General Director
06/03-07/03 UNDP, Armenia, “Sustainable Economic development Policy for Armenia” project, Expert in Government Revenue Policy
08/01-05/03 KPMG Armenia, Head, Tax and Legal Department (since November 2002, Head of the Tax Department), Senior Manager
06/98-07/01 Ministry of Statistics, State Register and Analysis of RA, First Deputy Minister
Since 1999 – Coordinator, Work Group responsible for the organization of the Subscription of Armenia to the IMF ''General Data Dissemination Standards" Member, State Council on Statistics, National Statistical Service of RA, responsible for financial and banking sphere.
1992–1998 State Tax Service of RA
Chief of Division of Indirect Taxes, Chief of Division of Direct Taxes,
Chief of Department on Improvement of Taxation Mechanisms and Methodology
1987–1992 Scientific – Industrial Holding of Special Clean Chemical Materials
Senior Scientist, Chief of Technical and Economic Research Division,
Senior Economist (Deputy Director on Economic Issues).
1980–1987 Yerevan Lamp Plant, Economist (specialized in labor efficiency improvement)

1975–1980 Yerevan Institute of National Economy, Diploma of an Economist (labor economy)
1977–1978 Yerevan Institute of National Economy, Optional course, Specialist in Law
1982–1984 Post – graduate study, Economy and Planning Institute, State Committee of Planning. Microeconomics “Enterprise Management Improvement”

2003- French University in Armenia, Department of Management and Department of Law (“Fiscalite”, “Droit Fiscal” and “Fiscalite International” )
1996–2001 Yerevan Institute of National Economy, Financial and Credit Department (Tax system, Tax Policy)
1997-2006 Special seminars and courses on tax policy and system (American University of Armenia, TACIS International Accountancy Training Center, "SEMA" French Center on Management, Association of Accountants and Auditors of RA (AAAA)).

2001-2005 Articles in professional magazines and newsletters of Armenia
- Labour and civil contracts: differentiation, regulation and taxation.
- How profits tax legislation is applied? How can it encourage investments?
- Tax advice. Needed?
- Some aspects of international taxation,
- On borders of shadow economy and its impact of tax administration.
- Issues of taxation of SME.
2001 Chief Editor / Supervisor - Working Group for the development of five-volumes of “Simplified guide for taxpayers”, AAAA.
2000 "Tax System of Armenia. 201 non standard questions, tasks, tests", practical manual. Author
1999 General supervision of the work on developing and publication of "National Accounts in Armenia, 1990-1997" Handbook, State Stat. Service
1998-2000 - Coordinator, "Informal Sector Survey", program implemented jointly with UNDP and ILO, State Stat. Service
- Coordinator, "Non Observed Economy Survey" within the framework of EU TACIS Program, State Stat. Service
1993-1997 Articles (three) on implementation of Tax legislation
1984-1987 Articles on labor efficiency improvement (two)

2002-2005 Seminars, Tenders, Round Tables (in large, the coordinator and presenter)
- London, tender, “Medium term expenditure framework”
- Quarterly presentations-seminars “Tax Wednesday’s”
- Peculiarities of taxation of foreigners in Armenia
- Tax-customs section of Conference of Small and Medium Business of RA
- Round Table On Monitoring of implementation of commercial legislation
- Fight against Money Laundering
- E-Governance, organized by WB
- National Assembly of RA, finance and budgetary Committee discussions on Amendments and Changes of Tax Legislation (representative of Union of Manufacturers and Businessman’s)
- Presentations on practical implementation issues of tax legislation for SME in Marzes of Armenia (Gegharkunic, Vayots Tsor, Lori)
- First “Armenia-Diaspora” forum, Tax and customs Policy section, co presenter
1998–2001 International Conferences, Workshops on Statistics (forecasting, external trade, System of National Accounts, Improvement of regional statistics and etc., Stockholm, Paris, Perugia (Italy), Athens, Chisinau, Tbilisi, Bangkok, Helsinki, Ottawa, Vienna).
1993–1997 International Conferences on Application of Tax Legislation (Tax Policy, Management of Tax Services, Direct Tax, Indirect Tax and etc., Ankara, Washington, Tokyo, Vienna, Maastricht)
1993 “State Finance Aspects” Vienna, Austria (6 weeks)
1987-1991 In the area of Accounting reforms: Workshops and Taskforces in Moscow and Leningrad (St.Petersburg) organized by the Ministry of Finance of the former Soviet Union and different professional associations.
Practical Scientific Sessions organized by the Moscow Financial Academy.

2005 Team leader, Interrelations of FDI and Export potential, WB Armenia Office
2004 Team leader, Program provisions of Self-assessment and Tax Compliance reforms, WB Armenia Office
2001 Project Leader, Improvement of the System of National Accounts Calculations
1999 International Accounting Standards Introduction, developed “Profit tax” accounting standard

Since 1997 “Armenian Accountants and Auditors Association”, Member,
Board Member (1999-2002), Chairman, Committee on Commercial & Tax Legislation (1999-2001)
Since 2001 Member of Humanitarian Technologies Department, “Armenian Technological Academy” Public Organization.
Since 2001 Member of scientific-methodological Council by the President of National Statistical Service of Armenia
Since 2003 Member of Advisory Council by the Chairmen of State Customs Committee, by request and recommendation of Armenian Repr. Office of WB
Since 2003 Member of Union of manufacturers and businessman of Armenia, Board Member(since 2005)
2000-2001 "Eurasia" Regional Federation of Accountants and Auditors (CIS Countries, Kiev), Economic Committee Member
2000-2001 "International Accountancy Training Center" Educational Fund, Member of the Board of Trustees

Armenian, Russian (fluent), English (good), French (satisfactory).

Дата публикации: 18-11-2005 (Просмотров статьи : 6394)
Статью опубликовал : Admin

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