Laws for Over Distention and Contraction of Tissues of Living Organism
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The tissues of living organism are subjected to steady stretching more than its physiological length under the long effect of prevalent forces.
The degree of absolute lengthening depends on the type of the original length of the tissues; force causing distention and timeless during of which the tissues are in the state of super-distention.
Due to the long lack of tensed forces the tissues of living organism are capable firmly to contract up to its physiological length or less.
The degree of absolute contraction of the tissues and it is in direct proportion to its original length; to the degree of relaxation and timeless, during of which the tissues are in the state of relaxation.
The formulas were derived due to which contraction and relaxation occurs Hysterics occurs were plotted in accordance with which these processes are taken place.
The use of the properties of living organism tissues are of extra value for investigation of the methods for treatment of diseases connected with pathological super-distention of tissues: splanchnoptose, varicose veins, mega sigma, mega colon, of the stomach and so on.
According to the above-mentioned theory the methods for the treatment of splanchnoptose, varicose veins were proposed.
These discoveries received confirmation given by the USSR State Committee on Discoveries and Findings and UMS of American Health about the necessity of performing of clinical tests.
The first discovery also has positive recommendations of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
Author: Dr. Karlos D. Danielyan
Проекты АТА
Центр Здоровья и Долголетия
Путеводитель по Армении
Негорючая электропроводка.
Эластичные чулки из быстро высыхающей гели с лечебными свойствами.
Создание на основе природных компонентов эффективного антикаогулянта, дешевого и без побочных явлений.
Инновационные проекты в области возобнавляемой энергетике.
Сигареты с лечебными свойствами.